Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Welcome to the World!

It is with great pride and joy that I announce the birth of our new son into the family. His name is Theodore Michael:

The vital biological statistics are as follows:

Weight: 7 lb. 5 oz. (3.32 kg)
Length: 18 inches (45.72 cm)
Birthdate: October 18, 2005
Time of Birth: 09:10 am Eastern Standard Time

It seems like it was only moments ago that Theo's sister, Julia was a newborn. It is amazing how small Theo seems, yet he is heavier than his sister was when she was born:

Thus far, Theo has been a happy and contented member of our family. Additionally, his older sister Julia, has been very excited and pleased at having a little baby in the household. She calls him "Baby Tio" and is very attentive to his cries.

Theo & Julia's Dad


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