Friday, December 08, 2006

The Return

It is with great pleasure that I return to posting on the "Adventures of Theo!" site. I apologize for the delay, but circumstances during the interim hampered my posting efforts.

Today, to get my creative juices flowing, and my posting skills back up to snuff, I offer you a series of images that are not particularly themed based. Instead, they are a smattering of recent activities in which little Theo has been involved. In future postings, I will return to being more theme based and will also begin searching through my extensive photographic archive about activities during the missed period. So, please continue to look for new material as well as postings entitled "Retro Theo" for pictures during the hiatus.

As always, be sure to visit the two complementary sites, The Advetures of Julia!!!, and Art by Julia.

Also, please keep watching this site for the announcement of a new site as well, Art by Theo!

* * * * *

Since it has been quite a while, you may be surprised at the changes in Theo. He is now a very healthy active one-year old toddler:

He clearly enjoys his soy milk. Theo is now almost 14 months old and has roughly a 10 word vocaublary. The biggest five words in order of apperance include:

1. mama
2. no!
3. baba (bottle)
4. five (as in "give me five!")
5. dada

Sometimes it appears our little Theo has a penchant for science and technology. He often takes on a look of a baby version of Einstein as can be discerned above.

Theodore is not as enamored with shopping as is his sister, Julia or her mommy. Sometimes he finds the endeavor so dull, that he instead decides to sleep through the effort as is seen above.

But, very much like his sister, Theo enjoys being at a party! The picture above is of Theodore as he wears a hat in the celebration of yours truly's birthday party.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're back. The kids look great!!

10:47 AM


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