Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Continuing On

Unfortunately, it has been a long time since I last posted. I had not felt able to post since my last update. Very sadly, Theodore's paternal grandmother... my beloved mother, became gravely ill and was hospitalized for seven weeks. She came home to us in the late fall of 2006 and appeared to remain steady and even become somewhat stronger in health. However, very unexpectedly, she passed away in March of 2007. It has been a very difficult time for everyone in our family. She is so dearly missed.

On Mother's Day of this year, so all of us could spend some time remembering her, each of us took time to write out our emotions and our love for my Mom (Theo's paternal grandmother). We then attached our notes to a white balloon. Each of us took turns releasing our own note carrying balloon, and we thought about Mom as we watched the balloon disappear into the sky. The above image is of little Theo as he holds his balloon just before releasing it for Grandma.

Theo's Dad


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