Monday, July 07, 2008

Chicago in April!

In mid-April, our family was fortunate enough to be able to spend a few days in the exciting city of Chicago! Theo has never visited Chicago before, and he was very excited. We had a very enjoyable drive into Chicago, but because of the late afternoon departure, it was night before we arrived at our hotel. But, both Theo and Julia were able to nap some on the journey and they both arrived fresh and fairly energetic (at least relative to their parents):

For part of the day, Theo's Mom was away tending to some needed tasks, so I took both Theo and his sister to the NAVY PIER area of Chicago. The weather was nice, especially for April. Theo and his sister were both interested in the early plantings that were already showing bright colors along the busy street:

At NAVY PIER, there is a massive shopping center, but our primary goal was to get to the second floor which housed both and IMAX Theater and a renowned Children's Museum. I bet you can guess which second floor destination we had in mind! I have many other images I hope to show you soon (they are on a memory card that I seem to have temporarily misplaced). But here, you can glimpse little Theo exploring one of the many building stations set up for hands-on play at the museum:

Fortunately, Theo's Mom was able to join the rest of us in the late afternoon and we all started to explore the beauty of this city. Here we see my three favorite people indulging me as I alternate snapping photos from both of my cameras:

Here again, we see another image I have taken of them as they sit on a park bench as we explore the city again the next day:

As we walked some more in the early morning, we came across a wonderful, large iron-work sculpture that Theo and his sister both enjoyed exploring:

Here is an especially nice image of Theo, showing how enthusiastic and energetic he was at this park:

A wonderful time was had by all. Again, expect more detailed and elaborate photos of this trip when I eventually locate the missing memory card.

Theo's Dad


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

10:55 AM


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