Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Theo's Adventures at the Reunion (Part 1)

As many of you know, this posting correlates with our daughter Julia's first week of Kindergarten. The following image is a brief glimpse of Theo's reaction to all the changes occurring on that first monumental day for his sister. He is obviously a bit sad:

Fortunately, however, Theo is quite resilient and returned to his happier self quite rapidly. Therefore, instead of focusing on Theo's reactions on his sister's first day of school, I thought it would be more fun to give you a brief glimpse of our little guy at the family reunion we attended two days earlier. This reunion is a fun and festive event that occurs every Labor Day weekend and involves relatives from Theo's Mom's side of the family. Please note, I am only providing a brief glimpse, as I plan to include more images in future posts about the reunion.

For a two-year old, reunions are exciting and amazing adventures involving exploration of new environments. Here we see little Theodore after he found a favorite toy from the yard of our hosts:

In this image, we see Theo's sister, Julia having fun by pushing Theo on what he was calling his "race car":

Julia pushes the car with all her might, and only a few seconds later, we have this closer view of the scene:

After riding around on the car for nearly an hour, our little guy grew thirsty and parked his racer near the large, "kid's beverage" dispensers:

Still later in the day, Theo and his sister found enjoyment in sitting on a "70's era" vinyl chair brought out of the garage to provide extra seating. Both siblings had fun making this chair rock:

At every reunion there is a "business meeting" to track expenses and to make plans about future reunions. This meeting is not fun for kids. Therefore, each year during the meeting, a few adults create a series of kid's games for the younger members to participate in. Here we see the "Monkey Toss" game that turned out to be a favorite for both Theo and Julia:

The object of the game was to throw banana-shaped beanbags through the mouths of the monkeys to win a prize. Both Theo and Julia did win prizes. Theodore, in fact, may have a future career as a pitcher as he rather accurately threw the beanbags with exceptional speed... especially for a two year old.

Even though the prizes were a hit, as these pictures attest, both of our children found the "Monkey Toss" board also very interesting to look through:

It was a wonderful reunion for us all, and I am especially pleased with Theo's having had a good, and well-behaved time.

Theo's Dad